Share your audio techniques, your music composition & sound design knowledge !

" everybody knows something... "

Hi there,

This page is intentionnally left to visitors who want to share their audio techniques on this and that. There are so many topics to cover about music composition & sound design that I decided to open this page to you.

I believe that Internet is the most powerful tool to share knowledge, passion and bring them to the world.

If you landed here, you probably are a sound techie, a composer, a sound designer... anyway you are interested in audio tech side, music composition and sound design. But also, you certainly know a lot of things that I totally ignore, and we would love to read your stories, the "been there done that" about your use of the M149 Neumann mics... Maybe you like to use the VSL library in Kontakt because you like this sampler versatily. You may also have recommendations or complaints about a particular audio gear.

Feel free to submit your stories, your favorite tips'n tricks, your most effective protools shorcuts, your best microphone placement or your most useful audio tricks.

I know you are a passionnate, like me, so be a part a the world growing audio community.

You are now the teacher, and we would love to hear and learn from you. So please don't hesitate to participate !


Welcome in the music composition and sound design 2.0 !

Thanks again !



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The “Sequence” of Songwriting 
Every song, jingle, score, etc. had a specific path that helped it find the form of a finished product. Here is a vague outline I believe all music follows …

The phase thing on the drum tracks 
Hi, One of the best trick. I use it everytime I record a drum. It works particularly well anytime you need a deep acoustic drum sound especially on …

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